Sunday, September 14, 2008


Greg Attonito, lead singer of The Bouncing Souls began writing a blog about a week ago that had me coming back for more everyday. In his blog he held nothing back in letting those who would listen know about himself. I have decide to do the same. I'll keep the name "Today Is My Last Day On Earth" as a homage to and appreciation to the courage his given me to write my very inner thoughts. The title will also be a daily reminder to live and write as if "Today Is My Last Day On Earth". I would like to apologize in advice if any feelings become hurt through out this experience I'm creating for myself. Feeling getting hurt is not my intentions. I expect a rollercoaster of emotions coming from you as well as I with the things I say but understand that these are MY THOUGHTS on myself and my peers and are not neccessary FACT but my perspective on things. The expression "many things should be left unsaid" hovers around my brain and has me second guessing myself on doing this but I will carry on. I'm excited to see how this transforms me if at all , how many times I'll contradict myself and how my view on things could change from day to day, month to month and if I dare say year to year if "Today Is not in fact My Last Day On Earth". I wish us both luck on this and I'll leave the introduction with some words Greg wrote in his introduction that still resonates in my soul and is exactly what I've attempted to do in my short time here. "Life has been a constant battle to break down the walls that confine me in my own solitude and to open up new pathways of understanding in myself and somehow catapult it out there in the darkness to the hearts of others.

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