Friday, October 3, 2008

Where Do Nice Guys Finish?

"I don't know what to do" he says hopelessly as he covers his face with his hands.

"Girls like guys that treat them like shit, dog! They don't like you to be there for everything. They hate that. They see you treat them like crap and it opens their eyes." says his friend, believing he has mastered the woman

I overheard this conversation and I've heard many men say this and I've always wondered if they do.

Before I go any further I would like to ask you all a favor to get more perspective on this topic. I expect every single person who reads this blog to give me a reply. For the males tell me if you agree. For the ladies let me know if you in fact do act in this way or have these instincts or know of a girlfriend that does. To both genders if, you have stories, do tell. I know every single person is different but I'd like some answers and see where the majority stand on this topic. Have no fear into what others or I may think. You can leave it as a message on myspace or a comment on this page. With that said, shall we?

Women habitually date men that are jerks while the "nice" guys are often left twiddling their thumbs in solitaire. With exceptions to every rule I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I make that statement.

When a nice guy encounters a woman he is affectionate about, his passion gets the better of him. He treats her right and does all he can to make her happy or what he believes will make her happy. Note to the nice guys: What makes a woman happy isn't usually what you think will. The sure way for a man to lose a woman is by giving her everything she wants. To women the traits of a nice guy are the epitome of bordom, predictability and unattractiveness.

Woman, CORRECTION, Attractive Woman can have pretty much any guy they want but whats the fun in that? Why do we see gorgeous women with guys that look like uncle fester from the addam's family? There interested in the dudes that are not wandering around like a lost puppy waiting to be thrown a bone. A women loves a challenge, the chase. The unattainable if you will. What they can't have. They find it exhilarating and they find it in these jerks. The idea of the unattainable may not only apply to women but it's a woman made concept.

Let me prove that statement by asking a question to my fellow gentlemen out there.
"There is a woman who loves you uncontrollably and is there for you when you need her and then there's a girl that is nothing more then a headache, which would you prefer?"

I admit the way I stated the question is very misleading but the only way I could think of asking it.

A man has to be able to court a woman, amuse her and excite her while continuously remaining a challenge. Easier said then done.

Why do women yearn for misery? Is it a self-esteem problem? Daddy issues? I just don't know and in the end, with a 100% certainty, I believe a woman doesn't even know why they do it. Women generally don't know what they want from us.

Knowing a woman enjoys a jerk nice guys must not change to fit this insane criteria. You can't just stop being the nice guy. It's like asking someone to stop breathing. It's in our upbringing and in our human nature to be that way. For those poor bastards who know where I'm coming from way too well, I'd like to end this blog speaking to you. You don't have to change who you are. A woman will come around. She will get it out of her system. She will reach a point in her life where she will realizes what she has been really needing. A husband, father of one and a good friend once told me. "A woman will date the bad guy but end up with the nice guy." If you can endure tell then know that every dog has his day and nice guys don't finish last.


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